Read time: 1.5 min Hey Reader! Ever feel like your stuff is taking over your life? Yeah, me too. Did you know that we only use like 20% of our belongings 80% of the time?! It's wild! And of course, all that extra stuff just adds to the chaos. If you're craving a simpler, more chill vibe at home without having to toss everything you own, I've got some tips to share with you that have changed my life. These work even if you aren't about that minimalist life. Imagine: Walking into your home and...
10 days ago • 1 min read
Read time: 2 min ... Look, I get it. I've been exactly where you are right now. Staring at those view counts, wondering if all this effort is worth it. Maybe you're thinking "This just isn't working" or "I'm not cut out for this." I remember going through a 6-month stretch where every time I would post a video, I'd LOSE subscribers (see below). It made me not want to cut the camera on anymore. This was so discouraging, but I'm glad I hung in there! Let Me Share Something That Changed...
17 days ago • 2 min read
Read time: 1.5 minutes Hey Reader, Over the years, I’ve realized that making more money isn’t about working harder—it’s about working smarter. And after a lot of trial and error, I’ve found four side hustles that consistently bring in serious income. Some of them even make $1,000 an hour (granted, it’s only a couple of hours here and there, but still—pretty magical). The 4 Side Hustles That Changed Everything 1️⃣ Selling My Knowledge – After years of honing my YouTube skills, I’ve been able...
20 days ago • 1 min read
Read time: 2 minutes Hey Reader, At age 22, I was working WAY too much — long hours, constant hustle, always feeling like I had to do more just to keep up. But no matter how hard I worked, I wasn’t really making more money. On top of that, I felt like I didn't have enough time for myself and my family. So I asked myself - is it that I'm not working hard enough, or that I'm working on the WRONG things? That's when everything changed. Here's what I had to do differently: ✅ I figured out systems...
27 days ago • 1 min read
Have you ever had a moment when everything in your life just felt completely off—like you were in the wrong place, doing the wrong thing? As if you were living a life that just didn't feel like it was really YOURS? Yeah, that was me. 6 years ago I was cleaning offices late at night. I was working the graveyard shift at minimum wage, feeling like I didn't have much of anything to show for it. After doing this night in and night out for WAY too long, I realized I needed to figure out a...
about 1 month ago • 3 min read
How to Achieve Anything, One Step at a Time In the past, I’ve often felt overwhelmed by goals that seemed enormous or completely out of reach. Over time, however, I’ve discovered strategies that help me break those big ambitions into manageable, bite-sized steps. Consistency Wins: Slow, steady efforts beat intense bursts of activity. When I consistently showed up at the gym, building a strong capable body became inevitable. Same with saving and investing - small consistent efforts compounded...
about 1 month ago • 2 min read
Defining Success I used to think that a successful life was measured by a nice car, a large house, and all the “finer things” in life. However, I’ve come to a few realizations over the years. First of all, success means different things to different people; and secondly, for me, it means being able to live a life that fully aligns with my values and my vision. In my ideal life, I value freedom way more than... stuff. Once you are able to define what success looks like to you, you can work on...
about 2 months ago • 1 min read
What Wealth Really Means (It’s Not What You Think) This is part 3 of our 29 lessons series. If you missed the previous parts, here's 1 and 2. A Dollar Saved: In the early stages of wealth-building, I found that saving money was more efficient than having to find additional ways to earn more money. Some easy wins helped me to build momentum, such as cutting out unnecessary expenses and reducing impulse purchases. Eventually, I got to a point where I wasn’t really able to save anything more, so...
about 2 months ago • 1 min read
When Life Gets Tough, Here’s What to Remember Happy new year! Here's part two of our 29 lessons series. If you missed part 1, you can check it out here. 1. Delayed Gratification I'm thankful that I understood this early on in life. Being frugal for a few years laid the groundwork for being able to save and invest and leave my 9-5 job at 24. Staying consistent with the gym even when I wasn't in the mood to go helped me to gradually build the strong healthy body that I wanted. Anything that is...
2 months ago • 2 min read